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46. Wong, CYS. Gilbert, ME. Pierce, MA. Parker, TA. Palkovic, A. Gepts, P. Magney, TS. Buckley, TN. (2023) Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Phenotyping the Physiological Drought Response of Common and Tepary Bean. Plant Phenomics 5, 0021 

45. Momayyezi, M. Rippner, D. Duong, F. Raja, PV. Brown, P. Kluepfel, D. Earles, M. Forrestel, E. Gilbert, M., and McElrone, A. (accepted). Structural and functional leaf diversity lead to variability in photosynthetic capacity across a range of Juglans regia genotypes. Plant, Cell and Environment. PCE-21-1070 https://10.1111/pce.14370

44. Gilbert, M.E. Deriquito, R.C. Lam, S.B. Roth, S. (2023). Methods for finding the location of historical photographs for repeat photography. Madroño 69(3): 252-262

43. Momayyezi, M. Borsuk, A. Brodersen, C., Gilbert, ME., Théroux-Rancourt, G., Kluepfel, D. McElrone, A. (in press) Desiccation of the leaf mesophyll and its implications for CO2 diffusion and light processing. Plant, Cell and Environment.  

42. Bambach, N. E., Gilbert, ME. Paw U, KT. (2022). Introducing a dynamic photosynthetic model of photoinhibition, heat, and water stress in the next-generation land surface model ACASA. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 312(15): 108702.

41. Zijuan Deng, Heather K Vice, Matthew E Gilbert, Mark A Adams, Thomas N Buckley. (2021). A double-ratio method to measure fast, slow and reverse sap flows. Tree Physiology 41(12): 2438–2453,

40. Théroux-Rancourt, Guillaume, Adam B. Roddy, J. Mason Earles, Matthew E. Gilbert, Maciej A. Zwieniecki, C. Kevin Boyce, Danny Tholen, Andrew J. McElrone, Kevin A. Simonin, and Craig R. Brodersen. (2021). Maximum CO2 diffusion inside leaves is limited by the scaling of cell size and genome size. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288(1945): 20203145.

39. Renwick, Leah LR, William Deen, Lucas Silva, Matthew E. Gilbert, Toby Maxwell, Timothy M. Bowles, and Amélie CM Gaudin. (2021). Long-term crop rotation diversification enhances maize drought resistance through soil organic matter. Environmental Research Letters 16(8): 084067.

38. Bambach, Nicolas, and Matthew E. Gilbert. (2020). A dynamic model of RuBP-regeneration limited photosynthesis accounting for photoinhibition, heat and water stress. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 285: 107911.

37. Umnajkitikorn, Kamolchanok, Nir Sade, Maria del Mar Rubio Wilhelmi, Matthew E. Gilbert, and Eduardo Blumwald. (2020). Silencing of OsCV (chloroplast vesiculation) maintained photorespiration and N assimilation in rice plants grown under elevated CO2. Plant, Cell & Environment 43(4): 920-933.

36. Salter, WT., Merchant, A. M., Gilbert, ME., Buckley, TN. (2019) PARbars: Cheap, Easy to Build Ceptometers for Continuous Measurement of Light Interception in Plant Canopies. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) 147: e59447, doi:10.3791/59447

35. Gilbert, ME. Hernandez, IPhD. (2019) How should crop water-use efficiency be analyzed? A warning about spurious correlations. Field Crops Research, 235: 59-67,

34. Jubery, TZ. Ganapathysubramanian, B. Gilbert, ME. Attinger, D. (2019). In silico design of crop ideotypes under a wide range of water availability. Food and Energy Security. DOI: 10.1002/fes3.167

33. Berny Mier y Teran, JCTA. Konzen, ER. Medina, VPhD. Palkovic, A. Ariani, A. Tsai, SM. Gilbert, ME. Gepts, P. (2019) Root and shoot variation in relation to potential intermittent drought adaptation of Mesoamerican wild common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), Annals of Botany,

32. Salter, WT. Gilbert, ME. Buckley, TN. (2019) Time-dependent bias in instantaneous ceptometry caused by row orientation. The Plant Phenome Journal. 1:180004. doi:10.2135/tppj2018.07.0004

31. Salter, WT. Gilbert, ME. Buckley, TN. (2018). A multiplexed gas exchange system for increased throughput of photosynthetic capacity measurements. Plant Methods 14: 80

30. Earles, JM. Théroux-RancourtPD, G. Roddy, AB. Gilbert, ME. McElrone, AJ. Brodersen, CR. (2018). Beyond porosity: 3D leaf intercellular airspace traits that impact mesophyll conductance. Plant Physiology. 178: 148-162

29. Spinelli, GM. TA Snyder, RL. Sanden, B. Gilbert, ME. Shackel, K. (2018). Low and variable atmospheric coupling in irrigated Almond (Prunus dulcis) canopies indicates a limited influence of stomata on orchard evapotranspiration. Agricultural Water Management, 196: 57-65.

28. Spinelli, G. TA, Shackel, KA. Gilbert, ME. (2017). A model exploring whether the coupled effects of plant water supply and demand affect the interpretation of water potentials and irrigation management, Agricultural Water Management, 192: 271-280.

26. Théroux-Rancourt, G. Earles, JM. Gilbert, ME. Zwieniecki, MA. Boyce, CK. McElrone, AJ. Brodersen, CR. (2017). The bias of a two-dimensional view: comparing two-dimensional and three-dimensional mesophyll surface area estimates using non-invasive imaging. New Phytologist 215: 1609-1622.

25. Earles, M. Théroux-Rancourt, G.PD Gilbert, ME. McElrone, AJ. & Brodersen, CR. (2017). Excess diffuse light absorption in the upper mesophyll limits CO2 drawdown and depresses photosynthesis. Plant Physiology. 174(2), 1082-1096.   

24. Medina, V.PhD Berny-Mier Teran, JC.TA Gepts, P. & Gilbert, ME. (2017). Low stomatal sensitivity to vapor pressure deficit in irrigated common, lima and tepary beans. Field Crops Research 206: 128-137

23. Théroux-Rancourt, G.PD & Gilbert, ME. (2017). The light response of mesophyll conductance is controlled by structure across leaf profiles. Plant, Cell and Environment 40(5), 726-740.

22. Gilbert, ME., & Medina, V.PhD (2016). Drought Adaptation Mechanisms Should Guide Experimental Design. Trends in Plant Science, 21(8), 639-647.  

21. Medina, V.PhD & Gilbert, ME. (2016). Physiological trade-offs of stomatal closure under high evaporative gradients in field grown soybean. Functional Plant Biology, 43(1), 40-51.

20. Moll-Rocek, J.UG Gilbert, ME. & Broadbent, EN. (2014). Brazil Nut (Bertholletia excelsa, Lecythidaceae) Regeneration in Logging Gaps in the Peruvian Amazon. International Journal of Forestry Research, 2014: 1-8.

19. Howell, T.TA Hale, I., Jankuloski, L., Bonafede, M., Gilbert, ME., & Dubcovsky, J. (2014). Mapping a region within the 1RS. 1BL translocation in common wheat affecting grain yield and canopy water status. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 127(12): 2695-2709.

18. Sadok, W. Gilbert, ME. Raza, MAS. Sinclair, TR. (2012). Basis of slow-wilting phenotype in soybean PI 471938. Crop Science 52: 1261–1269.

17. Gilbert, ME. Pou, A. Zwieniecki, M. Holbrook, NM. (2012). On the measurement of mesophyll conductance to carbon dioxide with the variable J method. Journal of Experimental Botany 63(1): 413-425.

16. Gilbert, ME. Holbrook, NM. Zwieniecki, MA. Sadok, W. Sinclair, TR. (2011a). Field confirmation of genetic variation in soybean transpiration response to vapor pressure deficit and photosynthetic compensation for this effect. Field Crops Research 124: 85-92.

15. Gilbert, ME. and Holbrook, NM. (2011b). Limitations to crop diversification for enhancing the resilience of rain-fed subsistence agriculture to drought. CID Working Paper No. 228. Center for International Development at Harvard University.

14. Gilbert, ME. Pammenter, NW. Ripley, BS. (2011c). Do partially buried dune plants grow in optimal trajectories? Plant Ecology 212(8): 1263-1274.

13. Gilbert, ME. Zwieniecki, M. Holbrook, NM. (2011d). Independent variation in photosynthetic capacity and stomatal conductance leads to differences in intrinsic water use efficiency in eleven soybean genotypes before and during mild drought. Journal of Experimental Botany  62(8): 2875-2887.

12. Secchi, F. Gilbert, ME. and Zwieniecki, M. (2011). Transcriptome response to embolism formation in stems of Populus trichocarpa provides insight into signaling and biology of refilling. Plant Physiology 157(3): 1419-1429.

11. Buckley, TN. Sack, L. Gilbert, ME. (2011). The role of bundle sheath extensions and life form in stomatal responses to leaf water status. Plant Physiology 156: 962-973.

10. Ripley, BS. Frole, KM. Gilbert, ME. (2010). Differences in drought sensitivities and photosynthetic limitations between co-occurring C3 and C4 (NADP-ME) Panicoid grasses. Annals of Botany 105(3): 493-503.

9. Gilbert, ME. Ripley, BS. (2010). Resolving differences in plant burial responses. Austral

Ecology 35(1): 53-59.

8. Powers, JS. [….] Gilbert, ME. et al. (2009). Decomposition in tropical forests: a pan-tropical study of the effects of litter type, litter placement and mesofaunal exclusion across a precipitation gradient. Journal of Ecology 97(4): 801-811.

7. Gilbert, ME. Pammenter, NW. Ripley, BS. (2008). The growth responses of coastal dune species are determined by nutrient limitation and sand burial. Oecologia 156: 169-178.

6. Gilbert, ME. Ripley, BS. (2008). Biomass reallocation and the mobilization of leaf resources support dune plant growth after sand burial. Physiologia Plantarum 134(3): 464-472.

5. Ibrahim, DG. Gilbert, ME. Ripley, BS. Osborne, CP. (2008). Seasonal differences in photosynthesis between the C3 and C4 subspecies of Alloteropsis semialata are offset by frost and drought. Plant, Cell and Environment 31(7): 1038-1050.  

4. Osborne, CP. Wythe, EJ. Ibrahim, DG. Gilbert, ME. Ripley, BS. (2008). Low temperature effects on leaf physiology and survivorship in the C3 and C4 subspecies of Alloteropsis semialata. Journal of Experimental Botany 59(7): 1743-1754.

3. Ripley, BS. Gilbert, ME. Ibrahim, D. Osborne, CP. (2007). Drought constraints on C4 photosynthesis: stomatal limitation and electron sinks in C3 and C4 subspecies of Alloteropsis semialata. Journal of Experimental Botany 58(6): 1351-1363.

2. Barker, NP. Galley, C. Verboom, AG. Mafa, P. Gilbert, ME. Linder, HP. (2007). The phylogeny of the austral grass subfamily Danthonioideae: evidence from multiple data sets. Plant Systematics and Evolution 264(3-4):135-156.

1. Gilbert, ME. Ripley, BS. (2002). The effect of smoke on the photosynthetic gas exchange of Chrysanthemoides monilifera. South African Journal of Botany 68(4): 525-531.